Saturday, October 22, 2016

"Have ye received his image in your countenance?"

If you had to rate your spiritual well-being on a scale from 1 to 10, where would you be? If you're anything like me, that's a difficult thing to measure! I wouldn't know where to start, and even if I did, it could change on an hourly basis! I was encouraged by my professor this week, however, to use Alma 5 as a good "spiritual mirror" -- a way to look into your spirit and see how you're really doing. I would extend the same invitation to each one of you and really take each question personally. As I did this, I was impressed deeply by the question he asks of "have ye received his image in your countenance?". Countenance is defined as "a person's face of facial expression" or even "support". It goes deeper than a mere muscle or eye movement -- a countenance is an expression of what we are inside. It made me think of what the Savior's countenance would be like, if he were in front of me right now. And I pictured what President Kimball said once when he was asked by an artist what the Savior looked like in order to complete a painting. He said "paint him with love in his eyes." If any of us were to look into Christ's eyes, I am sure we would see exactly what President Kimball saw. And in that same spirit, I think it is the evidence of our ultimate spiritual well-being when we too can have a countenance like the Savior's -- one that literally extends love.

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