Saturday, September 17, 2016

"Many of mine own prophecies"

One thing the Book of Mormon does well is remind you of your weaknesses and give you an example of someone doing it right... and as much as I've tried to keep a decent journal that I will appreciate in my future years, I still wonder what I am really supposed to get out of keeping a journal. Nephi gives an insight that not only teaches us, again, about the value of the Book of Mormon in our lives, but also a glimpse into what the Lord would have us keep record of during our time here on earth.
Of course, in reference to the Book of Mormon, Nephi was commanded to record specifically the sacred, "plain and precious" things. However, Nephi was also asked  to keep records of their "journeyings in the wilderness","the genealogy of his father", as well as "ministeries and prophecies"given in his lifetime. (1 Nephi 19:1-3) Most noteworthy to me, however, was when he mentioned writing "many of [his] own prophecies".
Not only were these records a place to remember what he had learned and experienced -- but also a place where God could open his own mind and reveal to him things beyond that which had been shared with him by others. I am reminded of the times when my mind has been opened to specific ideas and feelings when I take the time to write in my journal.  That pondering and writing time have led to some of the most valuable realizations I have ever experienced. Beyond just blessing my future self and posterity, I believe that journal keeping will teach us things that God would have us know and realize regarding our own life, if only we take the time to "make these plates."

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